Thursday, March 26, 2009


The news reported that Pres Obama declared the entire state of North Dakota a disaster today.

As a native I immediately, in sequence, had two responses: First was "I resent that."

Then: "Well, DUH!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

words, lovely words

We have a system in our school for behavior referrals called a 'buddy room'. Today, I twice got the same kid. Granted the kid has impulse issues, but he acknowledged today was a bad day.

The second time he came to my room, he said it was because he 'said a word in the dictionary.' Since he's a 7th grade boy and I myself once experienced that brain (or lack of same) I approached the next step with trepidation. I took it upon myself to ask what the word was.

He said 'dam, like a beaver dam. I said dam selfish.'

I pointed out to him, and stuck to my statement, that that particular form of 'dam' does not go with the word 'selfish', and he was looking for an excuse to be inappropriate.

He steadfastly maintained that that was indeed the word, and it was indeed in the dictionary.

I then saw the work in my brain, as he saw it: damsel fish.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

first sighting

I saw my first bluebird of the year this evening.
What follows is anecdotal, mostly historical, and I have tried to be true to fact.

For centuries, bluebirds were resident in Minnesota. Then, through loss of habitat and killing, they became extinct in this state. For decades nobody saw an Eastern bluebird in the upper Great Plains - West Great Lakes Region.

Then people got interested in building houses, restoring habitat, and assuring places for them to live.

Now, having lived in this house for virtually 14 years, I have seen nesting bluebirds every year.

The meales show up first. they scout the territory. when the females show up, the males attract their attention, and show them all the wondrful places they have to liv.

The female chooses the male with the bet site. (Face it guys, it sucks to be us, unless you're the lucky guy with the prime real estate. Then, your genes live on.)

The return of Eastern Bluebirds is one of our great environmental success stories.

Every year,near the end of March, I order 10,000 meal worms. I store them in a medium large cake pan with about 1 1/2 in corn meal. I keep them (covered) in a refrigerator in my garage. I place about 1/2 cup of them in a special feeder for bluebirds only, near the 11 bluebird houses I have erected on my property.

I'm hoping I make some lucky male bluebird very happy.